Rüdesheim captivates all its visitors with its quaint charm and narrow cobblestone streets lined with timber-framed buildings. After our guided tour, you'll have the opportunity to sample exquisite local wines in atmospheric taverns during time at leisure - we recommend the Riesling, the region's speciality.

In Cologne, it's hard to miss the Gothic cathedral as it stretches skywards - a testament to centuries of architectural grandeur and spiritual significance. Beyond this iconic landmark, a rich history is waiting to be discovered in the old town and bustling markets.

But we're not exaggerating when we say the highlight of this river cruise is the voyage through the jaw-dropping Rhine Gorge, boasting dramatic natural scenery punctuated by the silent ruins of medieval castles and fortresses.

This holiday is ideal for those looking to sample a Riviera river cruise and travellers who want a short break exploring some of the most spectacular sights of Germany and the Rhine.